REFEDS reviews mission statement and plans for 2018
A REFEDS meeting concluded a 2 day workshop organised by GEANT to review T&I plans and strategy for the next two to four years, held in a snowy Amsterdam. REFEDS Survey TheRead More…
A REFEDS meeting concluded a 2 day workshop organised by GEANT to review T&I plans and strategy for the next two to four years, held in a snowy Amsterdam. REFEDS Survey TheRead More…
In line with the tradition, REFEDS opened on Sunday with the first meeting of the Trust and Identity series that unfolded during Tech Ex2017. REFEDS Update Nicole Harris highlighted REFEDS developmentsRead More…
The REFEDS Research and Scholarship entity category has a simple purpose – it aims to simplify the burden of releasing attributes to services providers whilst ensuring that attributes are released in a safeRead More…
Prologue When running a federation, there are multiple ways in which federations can publish their local entities into eduGAIN (i.e. “upstream”), and in which eduGAIN metadata can be published to a federation’sRead More…
REFEDS is looking for proposals to support the following workareas in 2017. Further details can be found on the REFEDS 2017 Workplan. Proposals for the following areas are sought: Support for SpecialistRead More…
The Great Identity Debate at the Internet2 Global Summit 2017 saw experts in the identity field debate a fundamental question for our community. The panel was asked to debate for and againstRead More…
European webinar series on trust & identity launched The ability to use a trusted online identity to share data and access resources has been of growing importance to research and education. ToRead More…
by Terry Smith, AAF At the APAN43 meeting at the Habitat Center in New Delia, India the APAN IAM Task Force provided a one day IAM Training event (40+ participants from 10Read More…