By Heather Flanagan (REFEDS coordinator) When I worked in university IT many years ago, universities were just beginning to grapple with the idea of moving their email systems from in-house servers toRead More…
REFEDS trustinfo metadata Working Group
By Alex Stuart (JISC) How did we get here Federation operators have rules for entity registration to ensure a good user experience within that federation. These rules are typically published in aRead More…
Framework Registration: What is it, and what’s happening with the Working Group?
REFEDS publishes standards and specifications used by the global research and education community. Together, these standards enable scalable, secure, and seamless federated access. As our community grows and matures, these specifications haveRead More…
REFEDS Metadata about Identity Federations
To find information about federations requires that you go to each and every one of the federations you’re interested in and manually gather the information or go to a service that hasRead More…
The Changing Face of Federation Operation
by David Walker Heather Flanagan’s recent blog post, The Changing Face of Federation, is an excellent look forward to the future of identity federations and what federations must do to remain relevant.Read More…
The Changing Face of Federation
Research & Education (R&E) Identity Federations have traditionally been about authenticating an individual. That has worked for R&E federations for nearly two decades and put R&E ahead in efficiently offering a criticalRead More…
REFEDS – Supporting the successful development of federated identity management world-wide
This was originally posted on the GÉANT Connect website and is reposted here. CONNECT44 contained an article summarizing 20 years of Federated Identity Management in the GÉANT community. This article was originallyRead More…
A Note from the REFEDS MFA Profile v1.2 Editors
by Fredrik Domeij The update of the Profile has been quite a journey. It started in the Fall of 2020 when the National Institute of Health in the U.S. announced a timelineRead More…
REFEDS Assurance Framework 2.0 Released!
by Kyle Lewis, RAF WG Chair REFEDS is pleased to announce that the REFEDS Assurance Framework (RAF) update to version 2.0 has been released. This concludes three years of work by theRead More…
Looking Back to REFEDS 46 in Tirana
It’s hard to believe we have reached 46 REFEDS meetings! Our community remains engaged and passionate about supporting R&E federations, and their engagement in Tirana at TNC23 demonstrated that truth. Held onRead More…