Following on from a community consultation, REFEDS is pleased to announce the publication of the Sirtfi Identity Assurance Certification Description v1.0. This forms the final document in the current Sirtfi document suiteRead More…
A Week of Videos
The body of knowledge available for people coming into the identity management space is set to grow just a bit more. This past week, Nicole Harris and Heather Flanagan recorded a seriesRead More…
Stepping-Up Our Entities: REFEDS@TechEx2016
The second panel at the REFEDS meeting during TechEx2016 focused on a series of global efforts to help us improve the quality of entities within federations and the trust that we placeRead More…
Talking to the Operators: REFEDS at TechEx 2016
Every fall, REFEDS has the opportunity to travel across the pond and have an all day meeting at the Internet2 TechEx, thanks to our generous hosts. For the meeting in September 2016Read More…
REFEDS announces publication of R&S v1.3
Following extensive consultation and review, the REFEDS Steering Committee has ratified version 1.3 of the REFEDS Research and Scholarship Entity Category and the specification was published on the REFEDS website on 8thRead More…
Federating APAN
(view of the nightly Hong Kong light show as it starts). The Asia-Pacific region is a hotbed of federation activity. A new federation has just gone online last month (the Singapore AccessRead More…
Shibboleth Upgrades Critical as IdP Reaches End of Life
The Shibboleth Identity Provider is one of the main software components used in identity federations worldwide and one of the most popular software choices for people deploying federated identity for research andRead More…
The 32nd meeting of REFEDS brought together nearly 80 participants, in person and remote, to discuss the latest in R&E identity federations. Held in conjunction with TNC16 in Prague, the usual SundayRead More…
Congratulations to Scott Cantor
One of this year’s GÉANT Community Awards goes to Scott Cantor (Ohio State University) for his active work over the last 15 years on Shibboleth and his constant involvement in theRead More…
Harmonisation: Assurance
This post is part of a formal deliverable of the GÉANT GN4 “Trust and Identity Harmonisation” task, which was funded for a one-year period from May 2015 – April 2016. ARead More…